Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Okay, to prepare for tomorrow's lesson #4 - "The French Win in the Beginning!"  I need you to familiarize yourself with these 4 topics:

1. Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban (click on his name to go to the site)

  • Please identify who he is and why he is remembered.
  • Scroll down the page to the image on the right of Neuf-Brisach, fortified town.  Click on it and describe it's appearance. This is Vauban's handiwork.

2. Louis-Joseph de Montcalm (click on his name to go to the site)

  • Who was the Marquis de Montcalm?
  • Scroll down and read the section on Defense of New France andBattle of Carillon. Why will his attack at Fort William Henry be a "bittersweet" experience? What do you learn about his defense of Carillon?
3. George Munro (click on his name to go to the site)
Who was George Munro?
What is he remembered for most?

4. The story of Fort William Henry (click to go to the story)

Read the introduction, then scroll down to SIEGE and read this. (The Webb referred to is the British General at Ft. Edward near Albany).  Finally, read the MASSACRE. We will talk about this story tomorrow.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Okay, gang, follow along below:

King Phillip's War!

  • Watch this  video - only the first 1 1/2 minutes - about Massasoit and his son Metacom/Phillip. 
This will give you some background on who Massasoit and Metacom/Philip are...
  • Eventually, Massasoit, the friend of William Bradford and helper to the first Pilgrims dies and his son Metacom, also known as Phillip, becomes Sachem (chief) 

  • Now, watch these two about King Phillip's War. - Video #1 andVideo #2  You will have seen the handout on the assignments page on myUSM. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jamestown is founded! (1607)

Okay, gang, we are going to take our first look at the first permanent English settlement in the "New World" called "Jamestown". It is in the state of Virginia.

Jamestown is a big deal .....  Here is what you need to do:

Video #1 Watch this video on Jamestown - The Founding   (you may need my login info - bmarkwald  usm)

Video #2 Watch this video on Jamestown - Life in Jamestown - Why did people come?

Video #3 Watch this video on Jamestown - Importance of Tobacco  Watch from the beginning until 8:10!

Optional - Watch this video Nightmare in Jamestown!  Watch from beginning - good info on John Smith. This is a really good video on Jamestown - really good. It is 50 minutes - watch what you can...You don't have to watch the whole thing but I am telling you its interesting...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Anasazi!

The ANASAZI - video #1

The ANASAZI - video #2

The Demise of the Anasazi- (click the Demise of the Anasazi - it is a link to the video)

  • USE your Pre-Columbian America and Great Age of Exploration packet to answer the questions for the information you need from these videos...

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern States

The Mid Atlantic and Northeastern States

1. Video Notes  - in case you may need it - USERNAME - bmarkwald  PASSWORD - usm

Mid Atlantic States videos
An Overview of the Middle Atlantic Region of the United States
The Four Major Geographical Areas of the Mid Atlantic Region

The Northeastern States videos
An Overview of the Six New England States
New England's Important Geographical Features and Climate

2. Map Work!
  • USE These Resources to help you label! 
Political Geography Please label:

North Carolina - Raleigh
Virginia - Richmond
West Virginia - Charleston
Maryland - Annapolis
Delaware - Dover
Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
New York - Albany
New Jersey - Trenton
Connecticut - Hartford
Rhode Island - Providence
Massachusetts - Boston
Vermont - Montpelier
New Hampshire - Concord
Maine - Augusta
Please shade this region red—not too dark.

Physical Geography (Don't forget to label)

Color blue - Potomac River, Hudson River, Delaware River, the Connecticut River and Lake Champlain
Color Brown Appalachian Mts. and the Adirondack Mts
Also label - Chesapeake Bay and Cape Cod!
After you label, please shade the rest of the land in this region a light green 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Southeastern States!

The States of the Southeastern United States!


If you need it - USERNAME - bmarkwald  PASSWORD usm  (for the videos)

Region #5 - The Southeastern States
The Coastal Plains of the Southeast Region
The Piedmont of the Southeast Region
Mountains of the Southeast Region


Here are some resources for you to use for these two regions:

A Political Map of the United States!
A Physical Map of the United States
Second Physical Map of the United States
Map of the Piedmont region
Map of Major US Rivers (scroll down)
Another Major US Rivers Map

Political Geography

Please label all the states and capital cities for the South and the Southeast. There are nine that we will cover. They are

Arkansas - Little Rock
Louisiana - Baton Rouge
Mississippi - Jackson
Alabama - Montgomery
Kentucky - Frankfort
Tennessee - Nashville
South Carolina - Columbia
Georgia - Atlanta
Florida - Tallahassee
Please color this region light orange—not too dark.

Physical Geography
Please label these physical features:

  • Color blue - Tennessee River, Gulf of Mexico, and The Atlantic Ocean
  • Color Brown Appalachian Mts.
  • Label where the Piedmont and the Coastal Plains (Gulf and Atlantic) are located
  • After labeling this region, color the remainder a light green

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015 The Great Plains and Midwest

Videos for the Great Plains and Midwest

If you need it - USERNAME - bmarkwald  PASSWORD usm  (for the videos)

The Great Plains and Midwest 
An Introduction to the Midwestern States
Major Geographical Features
Major Lakes and Rivers of the Midwest


Here are some resources for you to use for these two regions:

A Political Map of the United States!
A Physical Map of the United States
Second Physical Map of the United States
Map of Major US Rivers (scroll down)
Another Major US Rivers Map
The Badlands (scroll down - primarily in this state)

The Great Plains and Midwest
Political Geography -
  • Wisconsin, Madison
  • Minnesota, St. Paul
  • North Dakota, Bismarck
  • South Dakota, Pierre
  • Nebraska, Lincoln
  • Kansas, Topeka
  • Illinois, Springfield
  • Iowa, Des Moines
  • Missouri, Jefferson City
  • Ohio, Columbus
  • Indiana, Indianapolis
  • and Michigan, Lansing
  • Please COLOR this region a LIGHT BLUE

Physical Geography:

Color blue - Missouri River, Ohio River, Arkansas River, the Platte River, the Mississippi, and also the Great Lakes (identify by name if not already done...)

Label - The Great Plains  (you may need to stretch this out for it is most of this region)

Label where the Badlands and the Central Lowlands are located, too.

After you label this region, please color/shade the rest of the land a light green

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Southwest States

The States of the Southwest!

Username - bmarkwald  Password - usm
The Southwestern States (Region #3)

To Complete this part:

A Political Map of the United States!
A Physical Map of the United States
Second Physical Map of the United States
Physical Map of Texas (includes some rivers)
Physical Map of Arizona (includes some rivers)
Map of Major US Rivers (scroll down)
Another Major US Rivers Map

Political Geography

Please label all the states and capital cities for the Southwest region. There are four that we will cover.
  • Arizona, Phoenix
  • New Mexico, Santa Fe
  • Texas, Austin
  • Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
  • Please color this region light yellow.
Physical Geography for this region:
Please label these physical features:
  • Color blue - Gila River, Brazos River, Rio Grande
  • Label where the Gulf Coastal Plain is located
  • Put an X where the Grand Canyon is....
  • After you label, shade/color this area a light green

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Region #2 - The Rocky Mountain States

To Complete this Assignment:
•FIRST, USE A BLACK Ultra Fine Point Sharpie (or something similar)
USE These Resources to help you label! (Just click the link!)

A Political Map of the United States
A Physical Map of the United States
Second Physical Map of the United States
Map of Major US Rivers (scroll down)
Another Major US Rivers Map
The Continental Divide

Political Geography

•Please label all the states and capital cities for the Rocky Mountain region. There are six that we will cover.
  • Utah, Salt Lake City
  • Colorado, Denver
  • Wyoming, Cheyenne
  • Nevada, Carson City
  • Idaho, Boise
  • Montana. Helena
  • Please shade this region light brown—not too dark.

Physical Geography for this region:
Please label these physical features:
  • Color blue - Rio Grande River, Snake River, Colorado River, Gila River the Great Salt Lake
  • Color red - The Continental Divide - trace a line - do the best you can with it!
  • Color Brown - Rocky Mountains
  • shade tan or light brown - The Great Basin, the Colorado Plateau, Columbia Plateau
  • After you label/color this region - shade any other areas a light green

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Pacific States of the West

The Pacific States of the West!

To Complete this portion
FIRST, USE A BLACK Ultra Fine Point Sharpie (or something similar)

USE These Resources to help you label! (Just click the link!)

A Political Map of the United States!
A Physical Map of the United States
Second Physical Map of the United States (scroll down)
Map of Major US Rivers (scroll down)
Another Major US Rivers Map
Physical Map of Alaska
Physical map of Hawaii
Where is Puget Sound???

1. Political Geography (labeling states and capitals)
•Please label and identify these states AND their Capital Cities:
  • California, Sacramento
  • Hawaii,  Honolulu
  • Alaska,  Juneau
  • Oregon, Salem
  • Washington, Olympia
  • Please shade/color these five states green on map. 

2. Physical Geography (labeling the landforms)
Please label on your maps!
  • The Mojave Desert - color/shade tan or light brown (make little dots ...... for the desert area)
  • Also, identify where Death Valley is located. Place an X on the spot.
  • Sierra Nevada Mountains - color/shade this area brown
  • Cascade Range - color/shade this area brown
  • Coastal Range - color/shade brown (make sure you get it all - the length of the west coast)
  • Columbia and Snake rivers - color/shade blue (draw a line in blue for the rivers using a BLUE pen)
  • The Pacific Ocean - color/shade blue
  • Puget (pronounced peeewww-jet)Sound - color/shade blue (somewhere in the state of Washington)
  • Yukon River - color/shade blue (Blue pen/sharpie)
  • Brooks Range - color/shade brown
  • Alaskan Range - color/shade brown
  • The Salton Sea - color blue
After you are done labeling the physical map, shade the area a light GREEN

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

Calling All Babysitters reading. See info on myUSM.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16th

Tonight you are working on a handout titled "The Important Parts of the Free Market Economy"
The explanation of what to do and the handout are found on the myUSM site.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

Maasai reading and questions. These are located on the myUSM site.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9th, 2013

Please finish the online Econ Review Quiz for any students that did not finish it during class. You will need to go to the class site and get your username and password to log in.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

Factors of Production Homework tonight! See below...

The Factors of Production Homework (also known as the Productive Resources)

READ: The Factors of Production are what we use to produce all of the goods and services we produce to try and meet our unlimited wants and needs!  Here they are again:

·      Entrepreneur (Enterprise) – people who create new businesses or have new ideas, which change things.
·      Natural Resources – from nature, renewable and nonrenewable
·      Human Resources
·      Capital Resources – anything we produce and use to produce goods and services.

See how accurately you can complete this question.

Lacrosse International, started by Mr. Moneybags, produces lacrosse balls in many different colors.  Material for creating the lacrosse balls is brought by ships and trains from rubber trees in India. The Lax-Machine can produce 10,000 lacrosse balls a day.  Temporary workers are employed to deliver the finished product to businesses and colleges using their automobiles.  Secretaries at the factory take orders day and night. Telephones are ringing off the hook.  Please place each resource you find in the paragraph under the corresponding category below.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

1. Finish the Opportunity Cost questions from class today. 
2. There are two more to do for homework as well. See the assignment below. Remember, you only choose 2 of the four to do on this document.

Cost/Benefit Analysis Homework (What Would You Do?)

A. You will be writing a brief Cost/Benefit Analysis for TWO of the choices below. You ONLY have to choose two of them to do, okay?

Important: People make choices about things every day - all day. For every decision you make you actually undergo a Cost/Benefit Analysis. Your brain looks at the situation and decides "What's is more important?” "How will this benefit me?” and "What will this 'cost' me?" (Or what will I have to do/what will I give up). 

B.  Place this into your Google Drive folder for Social Studies.

1. Mr. M offers you the opportunity to go skydiving! 

   What is the possible "benefit"?

   What could be the "cost"?

   What would you CHOOSE to do?

2. After High School you have the opportunity to attend an elite University!

   What is the possible "benefit"?

   What could be the "cost"?

   What would you CHOOSE to do?

3. After College, you have an opportunity to join the U.S. Marine Corps!

   What is the possible "benefit"?

   What could be the "cost"?

   What would you CHOOSE to do?

4. Okay, let's say you have the opportunity to try out for a very selective and competitive traveling team for some activity of your choice. The tryouts will be very hard and there is no guarantee you will make this team.

   What is the possible "benefit"?

   What could be the "cost"?

   What would you CHOOSE to do?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

1. MPB Survey #2
2. Tinstaafl - This is how we ended class today. What do you think this means? "There is no such thing as a free lunch." (Tinstaafl)
3. Go to your 6 Core Principles of Economics notes page. You received it in class today. Find where is says "The Study of Economics". Underneath that heading make an A. Microeconomicsand B. Macroeconomics. Tonight - see if you can come up with your own definition to define each. We will share them tomorrow. 

When you are done with this then move the 6 Core Principles of Economics page to your Google Drive folder for SS.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

Okay, this is it! This is your final homework assignment for the year! 

Tonight you are learning about the end of the American Revolution. After failing in New England and the Middle colonies, the British go south. They decide to invade the Southern colonies. Here is what you need to do:

Watch these videos about this "Southern strategy" and the disaster for the British at Yorktown:
video clip 1 - watch from 3:35 until the minute 6:45.
READ THIS BEFORE VIDEO 2 - By Early 1781, the tide turns against the British in the South. General Lord Cornwallis moves his army to Virginia intending to take the fight there. In order to resupply, he takes his army onto the Yorktown peninsula.
video clip 2 - watch from 35:16 until minute 49:06.

Finally, watch the animated version of the battle, too. You will find it here!

The questions for tonight are on the study guide. Here they are:

C. Strategy 1779-1781  (Attack the _________________________________________________________________________)

Why do the British go South? What is the plan?

The Battle of Charleston (March – May, 1780)
What is the most important outcome of this American loss?

READ THIS - By Early 1781, the tide turns against the British in the South. General Lord Cornwallis moves his army to Virginia intending to take the fight there. In order to resupply, he takes his army onto the Yorktown peninsula.

Battle of Yorktown (September – October, 1781)
Describe the Battle of Yorktown – you should think of several bullet points to help explain what happens in this final battle of the American Revolution…

After this major defeat, the British will still control New York, Charleston, and Savannah. Why did they feel that they could not win this war?

 When is the Treaty of Paris signed? What were some of the important conditions of the treaty?