Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jamestown is founded! (1607)

Okay, gang, we are going to take our first look at the first permanent English settlement in the "New World" called "Jamestown". It is in the state of Virginia.

Jamestown is a big deal .....  Here is what you need to do:

Video #1 Watch this video on Jamestown - The Founding   (you may need my login info - bmarkwald  usm)

Video #2 Watch this video on Jamestown - Life in Jamestown - Why did people come?

Video #3 Watch this video on Jamestown - Importance of Tobacco  Watch from the beginning until 8:10!

Optional - Watch this video Nightmare in Jamestown!  Watch from beginning - good info on John Smith. This is a really good video on Jamestown - really good. It is 50 minutes - watch what you can...You don't have to watch the whole thing but I am telling you its interesting...

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