Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

Okay, this is it! This is your final homework assignment for the year! 

Tonight you are learning about the end of the American Revolution. After failing in New England and the Middle colonies, the British go south. They decide to invade the Southern colonies. Here is what you need to do:

Watch these videos about this "Southern strategy" and the disaster for the British at Yorktown:
video clip 1 - watch from 3:35 until the minute 6:45.
READ THIS BEFORE VIDEO 2 - By Early 1781, the tide turns against the British in the South. General Lord Cornwallis moves his army to Virginia intending to take the fight there. In order to resupply, he takes his army onto the Yorktown peninsula.
video clip 2 - watch from 35:16 until minute 49:06.

Finally, watch the animated version of the battle, too. You will find it here!

The questions for tonight are on the study guide. Here they are:

C. Strategy 1779-1781  (Attack the _________________________________________________________________________)

Why do the British go South? What is the plan?

The Battle of Charleston (March – May, 1780)
What is the most important outcome of this American loss?

READ THIS - By Early 1781, the tide turns against the British in the South. General Lord Cornwallis moves his army to Virginia intending to take the fight there. In order to resupply, he takes his army onto the Yorktown peninsula.

Battle of Yorktown (September – October, 1781)
Describe the Battle of Yorktown – you should think of several bullet points to help explain what happens in this final battle of the American Revolution…

After this major defeat, the British will still control New York, Charleston, and Savannah. Why did they feel that they could not win this war?

 When is the Treaty of Paris signed? What were some of the important conditions of the treaty?

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