Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Tonight, we finish our look at the War in the MIddle Colonies - the attempt by the British to divide the colonies in two and isolate New England. 

One of the most well known British generals in the American Revolution was General "Gentleman" Johnny Burgoyne. You will learn what his important strategy was tonight and it's resulting battle. Here is what you need to do:

  • Watch the battle on the animated battles site. Be sure you understand Burgoyne's plan and the battle of Saratoga. Start with the Introduction, then Fort Ticonderoga, and then Saratoga.
  • Watch these parts tonight of the Liberty series. 1st - go to minute 4:54 - 11:20 and then minute 37:15 - 45:30, and finally, 48:26 - 51:35.
  • The questions you have for tonight are on the study guide again. They look like this:

General Burgoyne’s Master Plan
What is his master plan?

The Battle of Saratoga (October 1777)
What is probably the single most important outcome of the American victory at Saratoga, NY?

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