Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20th, 2013

The American Revolution - British Strategy Part 1

Okay, tonight you will learn what the British planned to do in 1776 to bring a quick ending to this inconvenient "Revolution" in America. The British were hoping to end it all in one big battle against General Washington and his new Continental Army.  Washington will give it to them at the cost of almost being annihilated. The disaster will be known as the Battle of Long Island (New York) in August of 1776.

Part 1 (Part 2 is below this.....)

  • Watch the recreation of the Battle of Long Island here. Watch the campaign version. This will help you understand the importance of what happens here. What big mistake do the American's make? 
  • Watch the video from the Liberty series for the Battle of Long Island here. Go to minute 16:30 and watch until 24:19. 
  • For the questions tonight, just use this section on the study guide. Go to the Study Guide and fill in the questions on page 3 of the study guide. It looks like this:

B. Strategy 1776-1779  (Attack the ________________________________________________________________)

The Battle of Long Island
The battle happens during ______________ of _______________.

What was the British plan?

Why did soldiers move and fight in such dense masses?

How do the British win?

What does Washington do to save his army?

Thomas Paine – The American Crisis
What is the main point of Paine’s second book?

Crossing the Delaware and the Battle of Trenton (December 25-26, 1776)
Why does Washington HAVE to make a move here?

What is the result?

Trenton is a minor engagement, why then is it such an important victory for the Americans?

Part 2 - American Crisis and Trenton.

  • Watch the recreation of the battle of Trenton here.  It will help you understand why this battle was an important victory for the Americans. 
  • Watch the video from the Liberty PBS series. Start watching from 43:17 and end at 49:52
  • Answer the questions in your study guide - you see the questions from above. Answer those like it in the study guide. 

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