Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Pacific States of the West

The Pacific States of the West!

To Complete this portion
FIRST, USE A BLACK Ultra Fine Point Sharpie (or something similar)

USE These Resources to help you label! (Just click the link!)

A Political Map of the United States!
A Physical Map of the United States
Second Physical Map of the United States (scroll down)
Map of Major US Rivers (scroll down)
Another Major US Rivers Map
Physical Map of Alaska
Physical map of Hawaii
Where is Puget Sound???

1. Political Geography (labeling states and capitals)
•Please label and identify these states AND their Capital Cities:
  • California, Sacramento
  • Hawaii,  Honolulu
  • Alaska,  Juneau
  • Oregon, Salem
  • Washington, Olympia
  • Please shade/color these five states green on map. 

2. Physical Geography (labeling the landforms)
Please label on your maps!
  • The Mojave Desert - color/shade tan or light brown (make little dots ...... for the desert area)
  • Also, identify where Death Valley is located. Place an X on the spot.
  • Sierra Nevada Mountains - color/shade this area brown
  • Cascade Range - color/shade this area brown
  • Coastal Range - color/shade brown (make sure you get it all - the length of the west coast)
  • Columbia and Snake rivers - color/shade blue (draw a line in blue for the rivers using a BLUE pen)
  • The Pacific Ocean - color/shade blue
  • Puget (pronounced peeewww-jet)Sound - color/shade blue (somewhere in the state of Washington)
  • Yukon River - color/shade blue (Blue pen/sharpie)
  • Brooks Range - color/shade brown
  • Alaskan Range - color/shade brown
  • The Salton Sea - color blue
After you are done labeling the physical map, shade the area a light GREEN

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