Thursday, January 23, 2014


Region #2 - The Rocky Mountain States

To Complete this Assignment:
•FIRST, USE A BLACK Ultra Fine Point Sharpie (or something similar)
USE These Resources to help you label! (Just click the link!)

A Political Map of the United States
A Physical Map of the United States
Second Physical Map of the United States
Map of Major US Rivers (scroll down)
Another Major US Rivers Map
The Continental Divide

Political Geography

•Please label all the states and capital cities for the Rocky Mountain region. There are six that we will cover.
  • Utah, Salt Lake City
  • Colorado, Denver
  • Wyoming, Cheyenne
  • Nevada, Carson City
  • Idaho, Boise
  • Montana. Helena
  • Please shade this region light brown—not too dark.

Physical Geography for this region:
Please label these physical features:
  • Color blue - Rio Grande River, Snake River, Colorado River, Gila River the Great Salt Lake
  • Color red - The Continental Divide - trace a line - do the best you can with it!
  • Color Brown - Rocky Mountains
  • shade tan or light brown - The Great Basin, the Colorado Plateau, Columbia Plateau
  • After you label/color this region - shade any other areas a light green

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