Monday, February 3, 2014

The Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern States

The Mid Atlantic and Northeastern States

1. Video Notes  - in case you may need it - USERNAME - bmarkwald  PASSWORD - usm

Mid Atlantic States videos
An Overview of the Middle Atlantic Region of the United States
The Four Major Geographical Areas of the Mid Atlantic Region

The Northeastern States videos
An Overview of the Six New England States
New England's Important Geographical Features and Climate

2. Map Work!
  • USE These Resources to help you label! 
Political Geography Please label:

North Carolina - Raleigh
Virginia - Richmond
West Virginia - Charleston
Maryland - Annapolis
Delaware - Dover
Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
New York - Albany
New Jersey - Trenton
Connecticut - Hartford
Rhode Island - Providence
Massachusetts - Boston
Vermont - Montpelier
New Hampshire - Concord
Maine - Augusta
Please shade this region red—not too dark.

Physical Geography (Don't forget to label)

Color blue - Potomac River, Hudson River, Delaware River, the Connecticut River and Lake Champlain
Color Brown Appalachian Mts. and the Adirondack Mts
Also label - Chesapeake Bay and Cape Cod!
After you label, please shade the rest of the land in this region a light green 

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