Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

1. Finish the Opportunity Cost questions from class today. 
2. There are two more to do for homework as well. See the assignment below. Remember, you only choose 2 of the four to do on this document.

Cost/Benefit Analysis Homework (What Would You Do?)

A. You will be writing a brief Cost/Benefit Analysis for TWO of the choices below. You ONLY have to choose two of them to do, okay?

Important: People make choices about things every day - all day. For every decision you make you actually undergo a Cost/Benefit Analysis. Your brain looks at the situation and decides "What's is more important?” "How will this benefit me?” and "What will this 'cost' me?" (Or what will I have to do/what will I give up). 

B.  Place this into your Google Drive folder for Social Studies.

1. Mr. M offers you the opportunity to go skydiving! 

   What is the possible "benefit"?

   What could be the "cost"?

   What would you CHOOSE to do?

2. After High School you have the opportunity to attend an elite University!

   What is the possible "benefit"?

   What could be the "cost"?

   What would you CHOOSE to do?

3. After College, you have an opportunity to join the U.S. Marine Corps!

   What is the possible "benefit"?

   What could be the "cost"?

   What would you CHOOSE to do?

4. Okay, let's say you have the opportunity to try out for a very selective and competitive traveling team for some activity of your choice. The tryouts will be very hard and there is no guarantee you will make this team.

   What is the possible "benefit"?

   What could be the "cost"?

   What would you CHOOSE to do?

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