Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Okay, for tonight:

  • Visit this site on the Salem Witch Trials. Take a screen shot at the end to show me that you did the simulation and if you survived..........or not!
  • For anyone interested in watching more on the story of the witch hunt from today's video it is located here. I started around 15:51 and if you go to 38:50 to get an idea of what really happened.
  • Please read the Growth of New England Colonies. There will be a reading comprehension quiz on this information tomorrow. I want to see you are learning about what each of the colonial regions will be like - the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Tonight is obviously New England. See you tomorrow! You will find the reading on EDMODO.
  • You may want to take notes on the reading. Take note of what the subject headings are about. Learn about main points in each section. Don't forget to look at the graphics which are presented, too. These contain important regional information as well. 

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