Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Students: tonight you will be learning about the Battle of Bunker Hill and something called the Olive Branch Petition. Follow the steps below and you will need to grab the handout on Edmodo called
The Colonies Move Toward Independence!  The questions below should be answered on the document.

The Battle of Bunker Hill

  • Watch the Battle happen - pay attention to what is happening. You can read this at the top.
  • Using the Liberty Series, watch this video - go to 23:22 of the video and watch until 25:46, okay?
    • Why were the British worried about the American's being on top of Bunker Hill?
    • Describe what happens in this battle.
    • Why is this a psychological boost for the Americans? They lost!

The Olive Branch Petition

  • Using the same Liberty Series as above - go to 31:23 and watch until 37:15
    • What is the Olive Branch Petition? Describe
    • Why are colonists worried?
    • Who is a big supporter of the petition? Who is someone against? What are their reasons?
    • What does King George say? What is his response - what does he do?

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