Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13th

Okay, gang, tonight we are going to take our first look at the first permanent English settlement in the "New World" called "Jamestown". It is in the state of Virginia.

Jamestown is a big deal .....  Here is what you need to do:

Watch this video on Jamestown - The Founding

Watch this video on Jamestown - Life in Jamestown - Why did people come?

Watch this video on Jamestown - Importance of Tobacco

Watch this video on Jamestown - archaeological

Please create a word doc titled "Jamestown" and gather the info you need for these questions:
1. What was the year the English return to the "New World" and establish Jamestown? ________
2. How did the "Virginia Company of London" work? This was an early corporation. It is the group which establishes Jamestown. How does it work?
3. List the problems to the early settlers face?
4. So, why do people come to Jamestown? What is the big attraction? Explain, please. Give THREE important reasons why people come...
5. I LOVE the description of our country in video #3 above (Importance of Tobacco) - what do they say?
6. Explain the importance of these men:

  • John Smith
  • John Rolfe

7. Jamestown was eventually abandoned after about 90 years of being in use. It was later lost to history. For centuries no one knew for sure where it was located but they had ideas. Name the archaeologist who is responsible for finding the fort and the year it was found.
8. What percentage of the first 6,000 people in Jamestown perished?

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