Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11th

Okay, tonight!  You will need to be ready for:

  • The Binder Check! - check the binder page on the website, be ready!
  • We are now beginning Colonial America! Learn about the "Lost Colony" of Roanoke tonight. Here is what you need to do:
    • Watch the short video Sir Walter Raleigh and the Roanoke Colony
    • Here are some questions so you are ready for class tomorrow. These can be put into a word doc. titled "The Lost Colony" of Roanoke. CREATE a new folder in dropbox titled Unit 3 - Colonial America. Put this document in there.....
  • What do these people have to do with the "Lost Colony of Roanoke"?
    • Sir Walter Raleigh
    • John White
    • Queen Elizabeth
    • Croatoan
  • Summarize the events surrounding the attempts to colonize the island known as Roanoke (you may use bullet points here)

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