Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Tonight we continue our look at the "Road to Revolution!"

You will need the handout from today off Edmodo - The Road to Revolution Page 2!!!!!

As you know from class today, the hated STAMP ACT was repealed in 1766. However, the same day the Stamp Act was repealed, the DECLARATORY ACT (1766) was passed!

The Declaratory Act and the Townshend Acts (1767)

  • Watch this video for the Declaratory Act. AND, even though it is not mentioned by name in this video, PBS does describe the Townshend Acts. Answer the following into your document:
  • What was the Declaratory Act?
  • Why does it strike fear into the hearts of many colonists?
  • What were the Townshend Acts? 
  • How do the colonists respond to the Townshend Acts? Be specific, okay?

The Sending of Troops to Boston (1768)

  • Watch this video.
  • Did you catch what led to the troops being sent?
  • How many soldiers are there?  _______________ or 1 for every _____ citizens.

The Bloody Massacre (March 5, 1770)

  • Watch this video.
  • In your document, describe what happens that night...
  • Now, examine Paul Revere's very famous engraving from that night - here. If you click the engraving it will enlarge it even more!
    • What errors can you spot in his depiction of the event?
    • Why do you think he presents it this way?

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