Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

All right everyone here is the homework tonight:

  • Let's get to know the story of the Pilgrim's better. Visit this site from the official Plimoth Plantation (recreation of the original village) outside of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Read these two parts: 
    • Faith of the Pilgrims
    • Who Were the Pilgrims
  • Next, check out this video about the Pilgrims. It does a good job telling the story of how it all began like you heard in class today with a few extras. STOP the video AFTER you hear about Life in the Plymouth Colony. You don't have to know about Charles I etc....  What you are watching lasts about 16 minutes-ish. 
  • Be prepared tomorrow to talk about what you read and watched, okay? See you then!
  • Remember, if you need my username and password - they are bmarkwald and usm  

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