Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

Hello most excellent students and cadets! Here is your homework tonight:

  • #1 Goal! If you did not turn in a goal for the 4th quarter based on the SS Rubric, please do so tomorrow!
  • #2 Do this before you read #3 below - read Jumonville Glen - the incident which helped spark the French and Indian War. It is on Edmodo.
  • #3 War College Cadet Quiz #1 - You have your first quiz tonight based on the information you obtained today about the Background of the French and Indian War. It is on Classmarker. The quiz is titled - Background of the French and Indian War. YOU MAY USE YOUR NOTES
  • #4 Plantations essay (optional) for anyone interested in earning full points (and a little EC) for the plantation activity - visit our homepage and go to the guidelines (top right corner). It will tell you what to do and due date!

Oh, if you would like to see the presentation about the Background of the French and Indian War then click here. I put our lesson into a short quicktime movie. Just pause it if you need to get info you missed today. 

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