Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday, April 26th, 2013

Okay Gang, here is the assignment for the weekend:

1. Go to Edmodo and pull off the final lesson of War College - Lesson #6 The British Win!  Put this into your dropbox folder.

2. USING all of your notes (the War College lessons and the Background of the French and Indian War handout) complete your War College experience by taking the WAR COLLEGE FINAL EXAM.
The exam is on  It must be complete by 10 p.m. Sunday night!!!

3. Give yourself time to complete the exam - have all the notes ready before you start. Actually, take a few minutes and review them. The Final Exam is not easy, but challenging you what you learned during the War College. It counts!!! Plus, the points will help you graduate!

See you at Graduation on Monday!

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