2. EC - for Johnny Tremain people - read pages 76-150 by Friday, May 11th
3. For tomorrow - find out what and who are the "Sons of Liberty"? (write it down)
4. Finally, read the account below of the unfortunate demise of young Christopher Snider. and follow the directions at the end of the account. You will see his tombstone to the right.
Poor Young Christopher Snider! Please read the account below and make your comment:
The Unfortunate Demise of young Christopher Snider
- Following the series of Acts by Parliament, including the Townshend Acts, the protest movement in the colonies was growing strong. The Boycott of British goods was working. But not everyone agreed with the boycott. There were plenty of people loyal to the Crown. They came to be called Loyalists. Some of these people owned shops that were reportedly still selling British goods.
- In Boston, it was common for young boys and teenaged boys to stand outside a business that was supposedly selling British goods. The boys hurled insults, animal dung, and threats at anyone that was intending to enter the business. Of course, this was bad for business as it scared most customers away. Overseeing the boys (and organizing them) were usually members of the Sons of Liberty. These men stood nearby watching the boys and giving approval.
- On February 22nd, 1770, a group of schoolboys and members of the Sons of Libery gathered outside the shop of Theophilus Lillie. A sign also went up stating that the Lillie store was violating the boycott. A friend of Lillie's, Ebenezer Richardson, took down the sign thus incurring the wrath of the schoolboys and the men gathered nearby. Richardson fled to his home followed by a growing, hostile crowd. Threats were exchanged including Richardson saying, "By the eternal God, I will make it too hot for you before night." Richardson was threating to shoot. A sailor witnessed the crowd throwing rocks at the Richardson home and went to his aid. The rocks were breaking up the front porch, door, windows, and had hit Richardson's wife and children. The two went to find guns. When they returned, they stood at what was left of the front window but now there were boys in the backyard and to their front. So Richardson and the sailor were being attacked from behind the house as well. Richardson knelt down, placed his gun on the windowsill, yelled another threat, and fired. Pellets from his gun hit one of the men, a young man's hand, and ripped open the chest and abdomen of young Christopher Snider (also spelled Seider)who was bending over to grab another rock. He died that very evening. The radicals in Boston made a big deal about the event and a huge funeral was organized and young Christoper was buried in the old Granary Burial ground - the first victim of violence during the troubles leading to the American Revolution.
- Who is to blame for Christopher's death?
- What are your thoughts about this incident which happened on that date Feb. 22nd, 1770?
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